Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Lord of the Harvest

Once upon a time, I knew nothing about farming, the result of being born in a city. Then, in my teens, I had the opportunity of a Saturday and holiday job on a friend's farm. It was an eye-opener and ever since, the needs of the farming community have been very close to my heart.

Walking along the road this morning, seeing the fields 'white for the harvest' and knowing that the farmers desperately need a few days without rain if they are to bring in the harvest, it seems to be important, at this time of year, to pray for farmers everywhere, especially those who are facing adverse weather conditions of whatever sort.

May God bless the farmers, their essential work and their crops. May the Lord of the Harvest grant an abundance of all those crops that feed us. May there be enough and to spare.

May God also bless the work of those who depend on their gardens and allotments for food supplies.

...and may God bless each of us.
Sr Janet